VVS Eksperten - OXV vertical order picker sets new standards.
Sector: Sanitary goods wholesale
Company: 28 locations across Denmark
Challenge: Around 25,000 items in the joint warehouse alone. Large portion of small parts stored in small load carriers or cardboard packages. Around 400 orders per day.
STILL products: STILL OXV 08 vertical order picker (second rack level with a reach height of up to 2,800 mm), full service contract (reduced repair and servicing costs)

STILL has already made a quantum leap in order picking with the OPX horizontal order picker. Simultaneous steering, lifting and driving without the need to change grip with the Easy Drive steering wheel is also a highlight of the OXV vertical order picker. The operator’s platform can be raised, making it the perfect tool for reach heights of up to 2,800 mm. The industrial truck, which can reach speeds of up to 10 km/h, has been specially designed by STILL for use in cramped environments and to cover long distances thanks to its compact dimensions and high manoeuvrability.
The OXV 08 managed to win over the Danish sanitary goods wholesaler VVS Eksperten A/S in a field study. The company recently ordered seven of these truck models for its joint warehouse in Hedensted, Denmark. The additional pallet lifts mean that material handling doesn’t place any strain on operators’ backs.
Sales growth calls for reorganisation of the joint warehouse
The Danish expert sells sanitary goods for home, garden and eco-conscious installations. Its customer base covers everything from private customers to small and leading companies in Denmark. Everything you could ever need in terms of sanitary goods can be found on their online store, as well as in their 31 specialist stores around the country, including four new stores that are set to open by the end of June 2021.
Around 25,000 items are stored in its joint warehouse alone. The majority of this vast range of products are small parts. These are stored in appropriate small load carriers and cardboard packages. Dennis Øhlenschlæger, who is responsible for the joint warehouse: “The increase in orders has led to more movements in the ware- house. Furthermore, due to the small-scale online operations, we have to process more orders all the way up to ‘batch size 1’. That’s why we have re-organised our warehouse operations.”
Successful OXV field test
Two years ago, VVS Eksperten A/S switched to the Navision warehouse system. As part of this, the entire material handling operations were explored and reorganised. STILL Key Account Manager, Jesper Jørgensen: “Together, we analysed the fleet of forklifts in the branches and tested a prototype of the OXV at the joint warehouse in Hedensted over a period of six months, with the aim of optimising order picking.” Dennis Øhlenschlæger adds: “Following a successful test, we replaced the older order pickers with seven new OXV 08s with full service packages, rented from STILL. As such, ever increasing costs for repairs and servicing have naturally been reduced.”
The OXV sets a high benchmark for order picking
The new vertical order pickers assemble around 400 orders at the joint warehouse every day. Additional racks with picking heights of up to 2,800 mm were installed to make space for additional small load carriers. The warehouse routes were also reorganised as a result of this. Order picker Danni E. Petersen emphasises: “The compact and manoeuvrable OXV means we can easily get around the winding warehouse. The powerful acceleration and top speed of up to 10 km/h means we can cover long distances quickly. The steering angle dependent Curve Speed Control allows us to travel safely around corners.”
Even when approaching the rack, the operator’s platform, including the mast lift, can be raised via the ergonomic multifunction switches on the steering wheel. It is also possible to raise and lower the operator’s platform while on the go. Lowering can be carried out via the steering wheel or the foot pedal. Petersen notes: “The one- hand operation of all control elements on the steering wheel means the other hand is always free to operate the scanner. This means that even whilst driving, we can determine the next pick position and head in its direction.”
The mast lift is operated with two hands ensuring safe usage and the additional pal- let lift protects the picker’s back by removing the need to bend down when picking. Driving, lifting and steering processes can be controlled simultaneously and without the need to change grip when controlling the OXV, regardless if the operator is left- or right-handed.
Suitable accessories for every use
The OXV impresses thanks to its robust construction, which includes a motor cover made of steel. Extra collision protection options increase robustness. The truck’s adjustable forks mean the powerful OXV 08 is suitable for a wide range of transport tasks for different carriers and for loads of up to 800 kg. The low access height of just 145 mm guarantees fatigue-free and safe working. Jesper Jørgensen adds: “As sanitary goods experts, we value the fact that the OXV always has a suitable accessory for every use on board, whether it’s writing pads, foil holders or terminal brackets. Another highlight is the dead man’s switch that makes up the entire floor of the operator’s platform.”
Increasing throughput, more movements in the warehouse and orders up to ‘batch size 1’ led to a reorganisation of VVS Eksperten A/S’s joint warehouse. The OXV alongside the EK-X high shelf order pickers sets new standards in order assem- bling in picking heights of up to 2,800 mm. Thanks to the ergonomic multifunction steering wheel, everything is within reach whilst on the go without the need for an additional lever. One example is the additional Easy Move lever for the mast lift on the back of the steering wheel. “The quick and manoeuvrable OXV 08 is the right choice for our long, winding routes and the Man-up and mast lift means no bending down when assembling orders – an added bonus. Thanks to the reorganisation of our order picking, and the OXV, this means we are also best prepared for the future,” summarises Dennis Øhlenschlæger.